Printing Courses

Black & White Weekender:

(2 Persons Max)

This course would suit both beginners to B&W film photography, or those who wish to refresh or enhance their skills. Over the 2 days you will learn essential darkroom techniques, such as black & white film development, printing, production of a contact sheet, and toning prints.

During the first day you will concentrate on getting the fundamentals right; from developing a B&W film and making a contact sheet from your negatives, through to a finished B&W print. The second day will be about developing darkroom skills further; you will be encouraged to experiment with different print papers and filters to adjust contrast, learn to ’burn & dodge individual parts of your image, and explore the use of colour toners to enhance mood. By the end of the course you will have several prints, lots of mistakes and experiments, and a keen eye with which to continue your practice.

Note: We ask that you bring a B&W film that you have previously shot or a set of B&W negatives (35mm, 120 or 5×4 formats) to work with, although we can supply you with a camera and a film on the day to generate a set of negatives should you need them. We will supply the necessary chemicals and paper for printing

Available Dates  – Cost: £290 (Per Person)

1st – 2nd February (Sat & Sun)Time: 10am-4pm (2 Days)
15th – 16th February (Sun & Sun)Time: 10am-4pm (2 Days)
1st – 2nd March (Sat & Sun)Time: 10am-4pm (2 Days)
15th – 16th March (Sat & Sun)Time: 10am-4pm (2 Days)
12th – 13th April(Sat & Sun)Time: 10am-4pm (2 Days)

Weekday Courses: B&W Darkroom courses can be arranged during the week. The course start date, length, and content can be tailored to suit the needs of individuals or a specific group of people. To discuss this further, please contact Chris directly.

Tutor: Chris Ould

Contact: / 07790 973316 (Please contact Chris to confirm dates & arrange booking)

Evening Courses:

Due to increased demand, we will now be offering evening courses on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm (other evenings are available on request).




Introduction to Colour Printing

Many photographers prefer printing from colour-negative film because of its flexibility, simplicity, and superb reproduction of both subtle and vibrant colours. On this 1-to-1 printing workshop, you will learn how to produce colour photographs using the C-Type process and feel confident in the darkroom using specialist equipment.

Topics covered will include:

  • Creating a contact sheet from a set of colour negatives
  • How to make test strips from a negative and assess them
  • How to correct colour casts’ using the enlarger’s colour filters
  • Enlarging your negatives to produce colour prints.

We ask that you bring a set of colour negatives to work with; 35mm, 120 or 5×4 formats (we can also show you how to process colour film if desired). We will supply the necessary chemicals and colour paper for printing.

Available Dates – Cost: £150

08th February (Saturday)Time: 10am-4pm (1 Day)
22nd February (Saturday)Time: 10am-4pm (1 Day)
08th March (Saturday)Time: 10am-4pm (1 Day)
22nd March (Saturday)Time: 10am-4pm (1 Day)
5th April (Saturday)Time: 10am-4pm (1 Day)

Note: Though not essential, we suggest that anyone doing the course should have some B&W darkroom experience. Ideally, you should be familiar with using an enlarger and working with light sensitive material.

Weekday Courses: Colour Darkroom courses can be arranged during the week. The course start date, length, and content can be tailored to suit the needs of individuals. To discuss this further, please contact Chris directly.

Tutor: Chris Ould

Contact: / 07790 973316 (Please contact Chris to confirm dates & arrange booking)

Tutor Profile: Chris is an artist and experienced tutor who has worked within the photography department at UAL Central St. Martin’s College for over 15 years. Since graduating from the MA Fine Art programme in 1999, he has continued to make his own work and has taught across a broad range of short courses, BA and Post-Graduate programmes, as well as public and private institutions. He has also worked as a Freelance Lecturer, delivering talks and workshops that address colour management and photo-editing skills within the digital print arena to several fashion retouching companies, and has been a reviewer on numerous books on photography.

View his website now:




Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for upcoming courses.

New Location

89a Shacklewell Ln
London, E8 2EB

Opening Hours: Mon – Sat: 10am – 6pm

(Pre-booked appointment only. Evening appointments on request. )